国こく内ない表ひょう彰しょうプログラム2022年9月23日、横浜ロイヤルパークホテルにて表彰式とレセプションが催されました。コロナ禍の影響でアジア各国・地域のグランプリ受賞者の来日はかなわなかったものの、日本入賞者8名とその家族、国際選考委員、実行委員会関係者が参列しました。レセプションでは、国際交流、多文化理解を深める目的で各国・地域グランプリからのメッセージ動画の上映や、アジアの国々の伝統芸能の上演も行なわれました。受賞者同士の会話も弾み、親睦を深められるひと時となりました。翌24日は、三菱みなとみらい技術館を見学し、陸、海、空、宇宙などのテーマ別に分かれた様々な展示・体験コーナーで最先端の科学技術や技術開発の歴史を学びました。水素エネルギーロケットのワークショップにも参加しました。An awards ceremony and reception for the Japanese honorees in the Mitsubishi Asian Children’s Enikki Festa took place at the Yokohama Royal Park Hotel on September 23, 2022. The organizers traditionally hosted all the Grand Prix honorees in Japan, but the persistent effects of the COVID-19 pandemic prevented them from resuming that practice for the latest Festa. They nonetheless held the awards ceremony and reception for eight Japanese honorees, members of their families, and the Festa jurors.The reception was a venue for promoting international exchange and cross-cultural understanding. It included video messages from Grand Prix honorees in nations and regions other than Japan and presentations of Asian performance arts. The Japanese honorees in attendance made the most of the opportunity to strike up acquaintances and share perspectives. On September 24, the organizers hosted a visit for the honorees and their family members to the Mitsubishi Minatomirai Industrial Museum, near the Yokohama Royal Park Hotel. The visitors enjoyed viewing exhibits that feature advances by Mitsubishi Group companies in the realms of space, sky, sea, and land. Their visit included a hydrogen-energy rocket workshop and other hands-on learning. 73Awards Program for Japanese ParticipantsActivities Report
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