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How to Enter

Open call for submission of Enikki (illustrated diary) that shows your everyday life

The Enikki Festa invites children from 24 countries and regions across Asia to submit Enikki (illustrated diaries) that portrays daily events to better understand cultures in Asia.
The Enikki's theme is “Here Is My Life.”
Why not submit three diary entries and share your daily events and thoughts with friends in Asia?

Entry period

Saturday, June 1, 2024 - Wednesday January 15, 2025
Note: Submissions must be postmarked on or before January 15.

Grand Prix (One winner from each country and region)

The winner will receive a commemorative medal and plaque, and as a supplementary prize an invitation to the international awards ceremony and exchange program scheduled to be held at the Expo 2025 Osaka Kansai Venue.

For more information, visit the Selection Criteria and Awards page.


Children aged between 6 and 12 years (at the time of entry) from 24 countries and regions in Asia

Countries and Regions (tentative)

People's Republic of Bangladesh / Kingdom of Bhutan / Brunei Darussalam / Kingdom of Cambodia / People's Republic of China / Republic of India / Republic of Indonesia / Republic of Kazakhstan / Republic of Korea / Lao People's Democratic Republic / Malaysia / Republic of Maldives / Mongolia / Republic of the Union of Myanmar / Nepal / Islamic Republic of Pakistan / Republic of the Philippines / Republic of Singapore / Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka / Chinese Taipei / Kingdom of Thailand / The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste / Socialist Republic of Viet Nam (in alphabetical order of the initials of short names) / Japan

If you have any questions about submission of your enikkis in your country / region, feel free to contact enikki@cicinc.co.jp.
The Enikki team will forward your message to our partner organization in your country / region.


“Here Is My Life”

Note: Participants are free to choose any topics.

Please portray daily events and thoughts you want to share with friends in Asia as pages from an illustrated diary. You may choose any topics, such as customs, events, the natural environment, your favorite games, your family members and friends, daily occurrences at school, festivals and traditional performing arts.

What to submit

Each entry must consist of three pages of an illustrated diary.

(These pages do not have to be from three consecutive days.)

How to draw/paint

  • Use A4-size paper [210 mm x 297 mm] vertically.
  • Draw or paint a picture at the top (2/3rds of each sheet) and write a short essay below (1/3rd of the sheet).
  • Write the entrant's name on the back of each of the three sheets, and number them (on the back) from 1 to 3.
  • You may use any type of paper as long as it is A4 size.
  • The essay may be written either vertically or horizontally.
  • Any art materials, such as paints, colored pencils or crayons, may be used.

Entry criteria

  1. Each entrant's work must be original and may not have been made public before.
    The entry will be disqualified if the work includes any copies or reproductions of picture books, cartoons, etc.; cut-outs that may violate trademark and/or portrait rights; or cut-outs from printed materials such as newspapers, magazines or advertisements.
  2. Each entrant's work must consist of a picture drawn or painted by the entrant him-/herself and a short essay written by the entrant him-/herself directly on the paper using such art materials or pencils.
    Essays must be written manually. Digital artworks or typed or word-processed essays will be disqualified.
  • No submissions will be returned. All rights to submissions belong to the organizers of the Mitsubishi Asian Children's Enikki Festa.
  • Personal information obtained from entries for the Festa will be held securely by the Operational Secretariat for Mitsubishi Asian Children's Enikki Festa and used only in relation with the operation of the Festa.

How to Submit

Print out the entry form below and send the completed form and set of three Enikki pages by post.

  • Each entrant must submit a set of three Enikki pages and the completed entry form.
  • Secure the three diary entries with a clip or something similar so as not to damage them. Do not use glue or a stapler and do not laminate them.

Where to Submit

Please use the below contact information if you wish to participate and live outside of Japan.
We have reception desks in various countries. You can receive information on where to submit.
You cannot submit directly to Japan from overseas.

Contact for inquiries about entries and works

Operational Secretariat for Mitsubishi Asian Children's Enikki Festa (Japan)